AI and Travel

2 min readDec 10, 2020

Artificial Intelligence is not a fad. It in-fact is right now and right in-front of you. The AI by Google recommended you the article that best suits your areas of Interest. The search Engine predicted content write with start of the first character based your your past experience and behavior on search engine . The world is in true sense today driven by AI.

With Human requirement trickling down to receive better service , AI usage in almost everything of our lifestyle cannot be neglected. AI will drive what we wear, what we eat, what we read and also where we travel.

Yes you read it Right, AI will drive the future of Traveling . Or it has already started suggesting your next travel plan based on your cognitive insight.

Ok let me simplify it. There has been instances wherein an individual is not satisfied by where he traveled , we find shortcoming on the arrangements or certain mis-adventure on our planned journey. The matter of fact is that if you dig deep it is not the mis-adventure or mis-arrangements but the location in itself that have driven a biasness in our cognitive sense. Ok, still did not get it. Now let me rephrase this. How many time you have forgotten the mis — adventure for the sake of the ultimate journey you have availed, how many of the problems of the locations you remember for the journey that is itched in your mind. Trust me it would be none. what went wrong then in the case of mis-adventure.

As I say , it is the location that makes or breaks the memory you want to create. Every individual have his own personality and desire. His own way of experiencing thing. some one is spiritual than the other adventure lover. when you collate your traits and then measure it or compare it with the various travel locations , you would realize that not all location suits you or there are certain other ways to enjoy that. This is Ai based travel planning . There are agencies which have realised this and are currently building capability that will leave you spellbound in your next Journey. One of the upcoming start-up in this domain is Routeatour. Routeatour wishes to enable an individual a Traveler instead of a Tourist. You may visit their portal to know more about them.

In conclusion the Future of Traveling is going to be a different ball game all together. AI based travel has both its Pros and Cons. We would touch this in detail sometime later.

